Senin, 03 Maret 2014

PhD Research Competency Workshop

Invitation to the 4-Day "Tuition Free" International Residential 


Date: 15th to 18th March 2014 
Venue: King Park Avenue Hotel, Bangkok

The Joint EDS Business School, Malaysia and the Ifugao State University, Philippines’s Residential PhD Research Competency Workshop is a unique opportunity for DBA and PhD students and junior researchers to share knowledge, discuss a variety of topics, refine your research questions and shape your research proposal. In addition the workshops provide an excellent networking opportunity through all sorts of social events enabling future collaborations.

Only 8 "Tuition Free" seats available. First Come, First Served. 
Participants only need to pay USD950 to cover the cost for the hotel accommodation (twin sharing) check-in on 14 March and check-out on 19 March 2014; breakfast and lunch; training notes and other incidental expenses. 

 The topic cover includes: 
 • Introduction: Basic Choices in Research Design 
 • Basic Choices in Research Design
 • Qualitative and Case Study Research 
 • The Process of Quantitative Data Analysis
 • Guidance on Research Proposal
 • Findings and Discussion 

This 4-day doctoral research program will provide a state of the art in business and entrepreneurship research and a practical overview of some research tools and methodologies that are used in the research domains of business administration, entrepreneurship, marketing and supply chain. An overview of different research methodologies and their respective advantages and disadvantages will be presented and discussed. Basic principles will be illustrated by discussing journal articles and work in progress. The workshop is designed as such that a maximum of 20 students can participate in order to enhance interaction and group learning.

Each of the participants will be able to identify how his/her research topic fits into the overall methodological scenery. More specifically, the students will have the opportunity to develop their topic and make informed methodological decisions through interaction with experienced academics and peers.

Note: Hands-on exercises will be given during seminar whenever is appropriate. 

The Certificate of Achievement in Doctoral Research Competency Workshop will be awarded upon completion of the 4 days training workshop.

Distinguished Faculty

Professor Dr. Premkumar 
BBA (Mel), MBA (UUM), PhD (USM) 

Professor Dr. Premkumar is one of the Asia’s leading Business Strategic and Supply Chain trainer and a renown Researcher with more than 18 years of hands-on-experience. He obtained his Doctorate of Philosophy in Supply Chain Management with University Science of Malaysia (USM).

Besides conducting trainings in San Jose, USA, Shanghai, France, Malaysia, Australia, Philippines and Vietnam, Dr. Premkumar has also travel to India, Indonesia, England and USA to present his latest research in the international conference. Among the topics he has presented was “Seminar On Leadership In Logistics & The Latest Trends In Supply Chain Management”, “Design Option for Sustainable Logistics System Management and e-Business” and “The determinants of Supply Chain Partnering”. His recent research on SCM was also published in Emerald World Library.

Professor Dr Premkumar is currently the President and Vice Chancellor of AIMST University in Kedah, Malaysia.

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